Generational shifts

  A generational shift refers to the gradual transformation of attitudes, behaviours and societal norms as one generation succeeds another, often leading to changes in culture, technology adoption and workplace dynamics.    Generational shifts are driven by various factors, including geopolitical events, technological innovations, digital transformation, economic trends and cultural changes. These shifts have a profound impact on the workplace, influencing communication styles, leadership approaches and expectations regarding working conditions, benefits and career development. Commonly recognised generations include Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials (or Generation Y) and Generation Z, each of which has distinct characteristics and experiences that contribute to generational shifts in society. History of generational shifts Generational shifts have been a recurring phenomenon throughout history, shaped by the unique experiences and influences that each generation fa...

Manifesto for the Kenya Revolutionary Front (KRF)

Manifesto for the Kenya Revolutionary Front (KRF)

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miguna releasing his latest manifesto for 2022 election.Lets join our hero.

Kenya Revolutionary Front (KRF) is a grassroots movement for the transformation, restructuring and fully democratizing Kenya, making it a merit based society governed by the rule of law, integrity in leadership, respect for the constitution and basic human rights.
More than half a century after Kenya was freed from colonialism, the promised liberation, return of land that had been occupied by the British and dignity of the people remain vague illusions for the vast majority of its citizens. We are deeply divided by artificially choreographed ethnic rivalries and class stratifications; manipulated and exploited by rapacious elites who have looted most natural resources especially productive public and community land and who have hoarded an immense wealth acquired from the public purse for their personal benefits. Tens of millions of Kenyans are exposed to the harsh vagaries of nature, hunger, starvation and painful death. The ruling elites have resorted to controlling the majority of the citizens using the media, propaganda, disinformation, public relations stunts, fraudulent elections, artificiallycreated poverty and high unemployment that make the people susceptible to manipulation and control. The vast majority of Kenyans have become mere spectators in our own country, unable to break the vicious cycle of poverty, exploitation and repression. This must end here and now! We owe it to our children and future generations who deserve to live in dignity and freedom! A dream, vision and transformative ideas make inventions and innovations possible. They create civilisations. Revolutions are not different. They emerge from our material circumstances. They are products of collective hard work, discipline, focus and courage. They respond to the people’s material basic needs. Our movement—Kenya Revolutionary Front (KRF)—believes, strongly, that our intractable political, economic and social problems cannot be solved by the current group of so-called leaders who represent less than 1 per cent of the total population of Kenya and whose interests are inimical to the interests of the 99.9 per cent of the majority of the people. First, the so-called leaders (successive neocolonial home guards) lack integrity, capacity, vision, commitment for the public good and progressive ideological clarity. Second, they have no transformative ideas, policies, plans or programs for the country. A transformative agenda would deny them the opportunity to exploit, plunder and pillage as it would require the delivery of the basic necessities of life to the 99.9 per cent of Kenyans.
Third, even if we gave them a transformative plan, those currently occupy all public offices)—elective and appointive)—lack the moral and ideological competence and commitments to implement them. In other words, for Kenya to be transformed and our societal illnesses cured, we must have a radical transformative revolution! Holding regular elections have become a farce. A cruel ritualistic hoax whereby voters are either manipulated into retaining the same elites that caused and/or continue to perpetuate the existing unjust social order, or their votes are jerrymandered for a predetermined outcome. In other words, the people cast their votes but those votes don’t count because the Independent Boundaries and Electoral Commission (IEBC) has been captured and is fully controlled by the elites who hand-pick the commissioners and secretariat who in turn announce fake results the elites have given them to announce. Rather than being a genuine and credible democratic exercise of choosing leaders, elections have morphed into an elite constructed mirage. The neocolonial elites—who have been conspiring with the imperialists—treat Kenya as their personal fiefdom in the same manner the colonialists did. They often casually refer to themselves as “mwenyenchi”—the owners of Kenya. Yet, we all know that those they refer to as the “wananchi”—the 99.9 per cent of citizens whom they mistakenly believe they own—are the true owners of the Republic of Kenya! Fifty-five years after Kenya's flag independence, successive repressive regimes of Jomo Kenyatta, Daniel arap Moi and Mwai Kibaki used the military and Special Branch (currently known as the National Intelligence Service) officers to murder, torture and maim thousands of Kenyans. Uhuru Kenyatta is currently doing worse: he has militarized the State and institutionalized the culture of impunity by undermining accountability and subverts the constitution. Independent institutions that were designed and intended to be a check provide on the executive arm of government have been increasingly weakened until they became extensions of the presidency and entrenched corruption cartels. Under Uhuru Kenyatta, tribalism, nepotism and looting have become the official emblem of the Republic. Like his father before him, Uhuru Kenyatta has subverted the constitution and operates as if he is above the law when he is not. He flagrantly and routinely disobeys court orders. He threatens, intimidates or bribes the judiciary. His opponents and critics are arbitrarily detained, tortured, maimed, exiled or killed on his orders.
Millions of Kenyans suffer from high unemployment, preventable diseases, widespread hunger, homelessness, unemployment. Governments—national or county—and those occupying public offices have positive duties to deliver services to citizens. If those in power for the past 56 years utilised public resources ethically and delivered services honestly, efficiently and effectively, there would be no hunger, starvation, homelessness or preventable deaths in Turkana or any other parts of Kenya. The fact that Kenyans are starving to death is an indictment on everyone holding public office in Kenya, starting from the illegitimate President Uhuru Kenyatta down to the MCA. Kenyans pay high taxes and ought to receive basic services such as clean running water; food security; adequate and affordable housing; adequate employment opportunities; roads; a clean environment, healthcare; and high-quality education from both the national government and county governments. Instead, the trillions of shillings of taxes Kenyans pay are stolen by people holding public offices. The money and resources those holding public office use are ours; not theirs. Kenya suffers from dangerous but curable diseases: the culture of impunity whose symptoms are electoral fraud, theft of public resources, torture and extra-judicial killings. To cure these diseases, we must transform the country. The only way to transform Kenya, bring a merit-based system, genuine unity, social justice and prosperity is to revolt and remove the despots from power so that visionary Kenyans with integrity can lead! Concretely, power does not reside in the vast stolen wealth that the elite illegally hoard from the people because that wealth belongs to the people and we will ensure that it is restored to its rightful owners. Real power does not emanate from the lethal weapons the elites and their police and militias wield. Real power does not come from the illegitimate power or offices the elites have or occupy. Real power is in our numbers, our energies, our commitments, our collective visions and courage!
The lessons of history teach us that whether in Russia, China, Cuba, Philippines, Burkina Faso or Algeria, it is the ordinary people in their millions that have power. Not the military, police and other security agencies. History teaches us that when one million or more people gather together and register their demands, even the most ferocious and despotic army or police cannot shoot at them. It was the united, gallant people of Burkina Faso who defeated Blaise Compaoré and the courageous and well-organized demonstrators in Sudan who forced Omar al-Bashir out of office after their 30 years of tyranny. The fearless Filipinos defeated Ferdinand Marcos despite the latter’s unmatched tyranny and repressive army. Yet all these tyrants were defeated by the unity, courage and relentless popular uprisings of Burkinabe, Central Africans, Filipinos, Algerians and the Sudanese. In other words, there is no army, police or group of hired goons that cannot be defeated by a united people! As we have often said: No one can shoot one million people who are peacefully gathered on the streets in celebratory solidarity to express their aspirations, to seek an end to 56 years of repression and justice for all! It is the gallant youth—the millions of them who are brutalised, unemployed, neglected and frustrated and whose future have been cruelly mortgaged to the Chinese and Western capitalists by Kenya’s rapacious elites—that must take a stand, say “enough” and throw off the shackles of oppression. As a revolutionary movement, we offer ourselves to the cause and express our commitment to liberating Kenyans from the ills illustrated above. Ours is a firm commitment—not a mere promise that has been made by the incestuous elites for so long that Kenyans have, understandably, become cynical of its realization. We are fighting to establish a proud, productive, prosperous and merit-based independent Kenya that belongs equally to all of us! We want a society in which every Kenyan irrespective of tribe, political affiliation, gender or religion can live in freedom and peace; a society in which workers, teachers, doctors, farmers and peasants will work under just conditions. We intend to establish a society in which the immense wealth and resources of our beloved country will not belong to the few but to be shared and enjoyed equitably by all. A society in which elections have meaning because they will no longer be a playground for despots and their organised cabals to manipulate and steal. A society that is not decomposed by the greed, deception and opportunism. A society where the glorification of money will be replaced by the desire for genuine solidarity. Yes, a society where
 wealth will be earned through hard work, innovation, creativity and resourcefulness and not acquired through dubious, illegal or unethical means. Make no mistake: the Kenya Patriotic Front seeks to build a society where ability, creativity, innovation and integrity determines one’s prosperity. We intend to build a just and merit-based society especially for the weak, the economically poor, the underprivileged and the discriminated against. It is our firm belief that the moral health of a society is determined not by its military strength or economic splendour but by the way it treats the weak and underprivileged within it. Consequently, we invite each and every patriotic Kenyan to join us and participate in this historic revolutionary transformation process. To the students, workers, unemployed, peasants, artisans, intellectuals—men and women alike: bring your ideas. Get out of your houses, offices, factories, markets and villages. Come out onto the streets and parks. Let us make our numbers and power count! Let our voices reverberate across the hills, mountains and valleys—from Busia to Mombasa; Mandera to Lunga Lunga! We seek to have a military force that defends our country’s borders against potential threats; a military that is not operating under the influence or serving the interests of foreign powers. A military force that defends our borders, serves and respects the people and upholds human dignity, the rule of law and human rights—a revolutionary national defence force. We intend to have a police service that is independent, professional and upholds our constitution and laws; one that serves, respects and protects all Kenyans. A police service that does not assault, torture, maim, subject anyone to inhumane treatment and that certainly does not engage in extrajudicial killings. Disciplined and professional security organs of state which are under the command of a revolutionary civilian state whose existence depends wholly on its dedication and service to all Kenyans. We want a judiciary that is truly independent, fair and impartial in dispensing justice for all Kenyans regardless of their social class, ethnicity or public positions! Never again shall we have a judiciary, police service, military, intelligence service and prosecutorial authorities that cater to the whims and interests of the elite at the expense of justice! We will establish a high quality and rigorous education system that is free and innovative and that will be geared towards making Kenya a competitive player in all spheres of knowledge.
We will have free education from primary school to university. We can do it with even a slightly lower tax brackets than exist today. The times when elite schools and universities were used by the rich to reproduce another rich elite while the poor had no access to higher education and consequently remained poor must end. The education system we are talking about shall not blindfold our youth but open the minds of the younger generation and inspire them. We will end the lies and propaganda in schools and universities that have been tools to manipulate our children for far too long. We intend to make Kenya food secure by protecting public and community land from looters and thieves. We intend to achieve this milestone by utilizing modern agricultural and scientific farming methods to increase productivity, ease the burden on the costs of production and make agriculture a profitable endeavour. Our movement is fully committed to having a free, universal, comprehensive and quality healthcare that is funded by taxes Kenyans pay. The tragic practice of starving our healthcare system of funds, proper training, equipment, staffing and medicine will be a thing of the past. We intend to significantly reduce the physician-patient ratio to 1:120 within fifteen years. Preventable and treatable diseases such as malaria, polio, bilharzia and tuberculosis will be eradicated through robust public health initiatives, education and massive national vaccination programs. We want a truly independent and vibrant media for without a free press our democracy will remain threatened by a manipulative and selfish elite. A situation in which the media is owned by a few rich elites cannot and will never serve the interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. Our resources will be utilised for the public good. We will construct modern transportation systems for all our cities and towns. Subways, light rail and public buses will be the common means of transport. They will be affordable, efficient and reliable. The horrendous traffic jams in Nairobi and Mombasa, specifically, will be nightmares of a despotic legacy and past. Public land and parks will no longer be grabbed by crooks. They will be used for the benefit of the people. Close to 75 per cent of Kenyans living in cities and towns reside in unhealthy, inhumane and overcrowded slums with no sanitation. We intend to eradicate these death-traps by constructing modern, clean and humane public housing for everyone in need.
Our villages, towns and cities will have modern environmentally friendly recycling plants to ensure that all citizens live in a healthy environment and share all its benefits. In order to revolutionize our society, we must ask the most important question: who owns what and why? It is only after a proper analysis of this question and arriving at accurate answers that we will be able to transform our society for the benefit of all of us. Our economy—natural resources, land and manufacturing base—are in the hands of or profiting only a tiny fraction amongst us. We intend to change situation for good through revolutionary law, land and employment reform programs. Our political system has become a marketplace for the corrupt elite who are the only beneficiaries in all its facets. Only if we free Kenya from these spiderweb of the one thousand billionaires can we take back our country from the tight clutches of cartels and organized bandits and return it back to 99 per cent of the people of Kenya—the true owners of the country. The KUF believes that mere reforms, band-aids and patchworks won't do! Only a complete revolution will have meaning to the ordinary citizens! On that, integrity and our commitment for a national transformation of values, ethos and institutions, we will not compromise. We have reformed laws, amended, repealed and enacted new ones and a brand-new constitution. We established what some of us mistakenly considered new independent institutions. But these have failed because they are controlled, operated, misused, ignored and/or abused by the same group of deceptive, selfish and incorrigible so-called leaders. We need not only to turn around our country but most importantly to transform our society by overhauling the old neocolonial structures and replacing them with revolutionary ones and placing them under the control, and for the benefit of, the people of Kenya. Our country’s development and prosperity will not be brought by high taxes and reckless borrowing. Development and prosperity are brought about by PEOPLE'S PRODUCTIVITY. People only produce when they are valued, healthy, well fed, properly housed and adequately paid for their work; not when they are exploited and repressed the way Kenyans have been for more than 55 years. The revolutionary structures and institutions will be conceived, designed and established with the people and their interests at the centre. Any law, constitutional provision or institution that does not serve the best interests of the overwhelming majority of the people will be deemed obsolete and replaced
The Kenyan United Front invites all patriots, comrades and fellow revolutionaries to join hands; to come together and start and complete the liberation struggle! Revolutions don't come easy or will themselves into being. They are realized through a disciplined, visionary, committed and honest leadership. What we have unveiled has never been tried in Kenya before. We are aware that a genuine social revolution is a new concept, idea and political philosophy! We know that a people that are used to being manipulated and controlled by the elite will be hesitant to embrace a fresh idea that they might not understand. But taking into account that the shallow “reforms” of the past never improved the lives of the people of Kenya we strongly believe that only a peaceful popular revolution can fulfill the dreams of our ancestors! Some people might ask: why did you change your movement’s name from the NRMKe to the KRF? The answer is a simple one: so that we can be all-inclusive and accommodate those patriots who might have been left out of the NRMKe tent when it was formed. To underline the fact that revolutionary movements are not owned by anyone. They are controlled and owned by revolutionaries who form them, who subscribe to their ideologies and are fully committed to the implementation of their programs. It is also to permanently mark the significance of today in the calendar our struggle for the total liberation of Kenya. Finally, we are pleased to announce that we will start touring Kenya by visiting every county, city, town and village. We will do so as comrades. There will be no followers because comrades work together in solidarity not in subservience to one another. While the despots shake hands with the elites and selfish dynasties that have presided over the looting and destruction of Kenya, comrades in our movement intend to have solidarity handshakes with the ordinary people in their villages, towns and cities. This will be the beginning of a nationwide dialogue, organising and mobilising for and about the future of our homeland! No one can save us. We must save ourselves. Each oppressed Kenyan must stand up and fight for his/her freedom. There are no saviours in a revolution; only comrades. No one needs to mobilize you. Mobilize yourself and go to the streets. All you need to do is get up, dress yourself and go out into the streets. Mobilise! Speak with members of your family, your neighbours and your friends. Mobilise your workmates and colleagues.
 No matter how long it takes and how painful the struggle is, we have no doubt in our minds that victory will be ours in the end. We are not asking you to trust us blindly. The struggle demands comradeship; not blind trust and followers. We are asking you to trust the truth verified with credible evidence and pursue justice. Because we believe strongly that, ultimately, the patriotic people of Kenya want, deserve and must get their unconditional freedoms, equity, untramelled democracy, dignity and substantive social and electoral justice for each one of them. We must pursue them relentlessly without fear. We must seek freedom from oppression and exploitation. When you do it for yourself—each one of us—then we do it for all of us. We appeal to all Kenyan patriots—each one of you—to organise and mobilise wherever you are! Get out of your houses and mobilise your families, neighbours, friends, workmates and acquaintances. If each one of us mobilises 100 people, we will reach one million within days! Occupy the streets peacefully until we are free and fully liberated! Viva, Kenya Revolutionary Front! Viva, The People’s Revolution!MANIFESTO FOR KENYA REVOLUTIONARY FRONT (KRF) manifesto for the kenya revolutionary front(KRF)








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