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1.Globalization is a current trend and has a great impact on hospitality industry.
Accordingly, people with diverse backgrounds work even more together and there are a great amount of new perspectives of executing events. In a corporate world this is an advantage in order to differentiate from other businesses within the industry. However, diverse cultural backgrounds can create a lot of conflicts. Hospitality industry, particularly, has great dimen-sions with cultural diversity. Due to its phenomenal dimensions, managing the diverse workforce in an effective way can be seen as successful tool to meet the corporate goals.
The aim of this article to provide valuable facts about advantages and challenges of cultural diversity, and present effective ways how to improve cultural diversity in the hospitality business. The research question of this study is: How does culturally diverse workforce influence the hospitality business and how can it be managed? Additionally, it also examines how management can practice and infuse all the cultures of the employees.This article introduces major cultural theories and their applications to the workplace. Followed by cultural diversity in a workplace,there is a thorough focus on diversity benefits and challenges. Finally, it pre-sents solutions in order to consistently lead the company regarding diversity.
The best practices of cultural diversity are discussed in detail in both the litera-ture review and the study. There are managers’ and employees’ viewpoints oncultural diversity.
One component of investigating culture involves processes of globalization and cross-cultural elements as a global cultural homogenization. This refers to blending different cultural practices into one blended uniform of cultural practic-es. Cultural homogenization usually disregards local cultural perspectives. From a cultural point of view, globalization is the process of increasing homogeneity of individual lifestyles within the organiza-tion. It comprises different views and greater opportunities for the company and the employees .
Globalization combines people into asingle world society.In essence, the modern tourism and hospitality environment is experiencing an increasing internationalization and globalization. The huge development of the hospitality industry over the past decade has been extensively influenced by advanced technology, communication systems and transportation. People travel more around the world, and their countries are integrated into global markets.This leads their exposure to culturally different societies, social interactions, and cultural exchanges. The fact is that travelling and tourism is growing into a mul-ticultural environment which obtains both similarities and differences in worker behavior across cultural borders. Tourism and hospitality organizations will work in a very complex multicultural tourism environment and they must understand the perception of culture and the role of national culture, and how impact both employee as well as tourist behavior.
According to Tylor the first person to give the definition of culture said that culture is a complicated definition due to several different factors, such as knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and all other kinds of skills or rou- tines people may have. Culture is the way people function and communicate with each other all the time. It literally means that culture plays a crucial role in people’s attitudes and it defines people’s actions .
When hu-mans are considered as an engine to establish and reform society, culture be-comes a basic measure to assess activities as well as understanding people.Culture as a word has many different meanings. Initially, culture originates from Latin word cultural, which means to cultivate. It refers to human activity and symbolic structure designs that emphasize the importance and value of the ac-tions.
The concept of culture is really complex to describe due to its name referring to extremely broad and multidimensional phenomenon . It is constantly changing and easily lost because it only exists in our minds. Culture is not tangible, however, culture can be expressed through tangible items such as food, architecture, clothing, art or expressed elements such as an organization-tion’s vision, but there are other unarticulated elements as well. Ultimately, it is the full range of learned human behavior patterns.
The purpose of culture is to explain how to live, talk, think and do things. It gives guidelines for one’s life to behave in a socially accepted way and value diverse things. It clarifies what is correct, honest, true and important. It also sets up rules and regulations to society in order to obtain stability and peace . Culture is the main force that brings people together, creates uniqueness of the cultural group as well as communicates with one another.
Cultures are perceived to embrace group work, sharing and teamwork. However-er, culture and society is not the same thing. People perceive that their society is distinct from other societies in terms of shared traditions and expectations.Culture is created and submitted to others in a society.WE SHALL KEEP EDITIG.
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